Well, we are 18 days from either Armageddon or restoration of our country.  That is no exaggeration.  If the Democrats win, we all lose.  If the Republicans win, America can survive and thrive.

Whether we win or lose is up to us and everyone we know, so I beg you to do your part.  Register, vote and remind all your friends to do so by simply pressing the share button on your Facebook page.

It is imperative that we understand the dramatic differences in the philosophies of the two parties.  I will take a separate plank from the platform of the Republican Party and compare it to the Democratic Party platform every day until the election so that you will be informed and I expect that you will be alarmed.

The following is compiled and explained by the Family Research Council.



On Teaching the Bible in Public Schools.

The Democrats insist on promoting “high-quality STEM classes,” “computer science education,” and to “engage students to be critical thinkers and civic participants.”  Yet Democrats also insist on banning prayer from the public sphere even in our public schools.

Recognizing that “a good understanding of the Bible [is] indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry,” the Republicans encourage, on a voluntary basis, for “state legislatures to offer the Bible in a literature curriculum as an elective in America’s high schools.”  The Platform also “affirm[s] the rights of religious students to engage in voluntary prayer at public school events and to have equal access to school facilities.”