Well, we are 16 days from either Armageddon or restoration of our country. That is no exaggeration. If the Democrats win, we all lose. If the Republicans win, America can survive and thrive.
Whether we win or lose is up to us and everyone we know, so I beg you to do your part. Register, vote and remind all your friends to do so by simply pressing the share button on your Facebook page.
It is imperative that we understand the dramatic differences in the philosophies of the two parties. I will take a separate plank from the platform of the Republican Party and compare it to the Democratic Party platform every day until the election so that you will be informed and I expect that you will be alarmed.
The following is compiled and explained by the Family Research Council.
International Affairs
On the Obama Administration’s International Abortion and Homosexual Rights Agenda.
The Democrats “will support sexual reproductive health and rights around the globe “including repealing “the ‘global gag rule’ [ie. The Mexico City Policy] and the Helms Amendment that bars U.S. assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.” They also “will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world…including combating efforts by any nation to infringe on LGBT rights or ignore abuse.”
The GOP Platform opposes the federal government funding abortion overseas, and its calls for restoring the Mexico City Policy, to prevent federal money from going to NGOs like Planned Parenthood or the U.N. population fund, which “provide or promote abortion,” or are complicit in “China’s barbaric program of forced abortion.” It condemns the Obama administration for “impos[ing] on foreign recipients, especially the people of Africa, its own radical social agenda while excluding faith-based groups.”