Join us as we take back our government!
Join us as we travel to Austin to remind our elected State Representatives that we are the boss, and they are our employees. We will be pressuring them to vote for David Cook for Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. Representative Cook won the Republican House Caucus vote to be the nominee for Speaker. But, several Representatives are working with Democrats to undermine the Republican majority.
Busses will be coming to Austin from all over Texas for this event. Rhonda Ward and Daniel Hunt, our SD3 State Republican Executive Committeewoman and Committeeman, have arranged the Henderson County bus. Your bus fare of $50 will include roundtrip transportation, a red “Ban Democrat Chairs” t-shirt, and a meal from Chick-fil-A on the ride home.
Passengers will be responsible for their breakfast. The itinerary is below. There will only be 55 seats available on the bus. We have invited our fellow Republicans from Nacogdoches County and surrounding area to join us. So, reserve your seats TODAY!!!
– 5:00 a.m. – Depart Nacogdoches
– 5:30 a.m. – Stop to pick up Republicans at Angelina County Republican HQ in Lufkin
– 9:30 a.m. – Arrive at Texas Capitol
– 10:30 a.m. – House Gallery opens
– Noon – Swearing-in of State Representatives followed by Speaker vote
– Afternoon – Tour Capitol, visit Capitol Gift Shop, visit with Representatives and Senators
– 5:00 p.m. – Depart Capitol
– 6:15 p.m. – Stop at Chick-fil-A to pick up meals
– 6:30 p.m. – Depart Chick-fil-A
– 8:30 p.m. – Drop off passengers in Lufkin
– 9:15 p.m. – Arrive in Nacogdoches
When you make your reservation, be sure to include your t-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, 2XL), an email address, and a mobile phone number. Email will only be used to update you on any changes or info about the trip. The phone number will only be used to text you when the bus is about to depart the various locations. We will not sell your information.
If you are interested in helping sponsor this bus, please email your name and phone number with the subject line “Bus Trip Sponsor” to ASAP. The more sponsors we get, the lower the cost for the passengers. Sponsors will be listed on this website, in all emails on the subject, on any signage on the bus trip, and in any press releases.
Tickets are non-refundable. Ticket price does not include breakfast food or beverage. Riders are responsible for getting to the bus on time. The Republican Party of Texas and the Angelina County Republican Party assume no liability or responsibility for injury, loss, or damage to persons or property, inconvenience, delay, or expense related to this travel.